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Gama Pehlwan: bio, early life, death and all about this undefeatable wrestler

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Gama Pehlwan was a famous Indian wrestler whose name lives on in history. He was called “The Great Gama” because he did so many brave and strong things in the ring. From 1910 until 1960, when he died, he was the champion. During this time, Gama Pehlwan became one of India’s most famous athletes and a symbol of national pride. As a gama pehlwan wrestler, he had a great career and left a legacy that will last for many years.

Introduction to Gama Pehlwan

Gama Pehlwan is a famous wrestler from India who is known for having strength and skill that can’t be beaten. He was born in Amritsar, Punjab, in 1878, and most people agree that he was the best wrestler who ever lived.

Ghulam Mohiuddin, one of the best-known Indian wrestlers, taught Gama how to fight. Because he was so good at wrestling, he became well-known very quickly. During his long career, he won many titles, and the sport is said to have become popular in India because of him.

He was known for his perseverance, grace, and perfect technique, and he got a lot of attention from people worldwide. Gama’s name is still a sign of greatness in the wrestling world, so his legacy lives on. Click here

NameGama Pehlwan (Ghulam Muhammad Baksh Butt)
Birth dateMay 22, 1878
Place of birthAmritsar, Punjab, British India
Height6 feet (1.83 meters) 
Weight260-270 pounds (118-122 kg)
Death dateMay 23, 1960
Place of deathLahore, West Pakistan (now Pakistan)
Nickname“The Great Gama”
Wrestling stylePehlwani (Indian wrestling)
Career recordUndefeated
Notable achievementsRetained World Championship for 50 years
Political activismAdvocated for Indian independence

His Early life 

Gama Pehlwan was born in 1878 in the Indian city of Amritsar. Gama’s father, Ghulam Mohammad Baksh, was a well-known wrestler who started training him when he was young. He became known as one of the strongest wrestlers in his village quickly and soon became one of the most in-demand wrestlers in the area.

Known as Great Gama

Gama Pehlwan was soon called “The Great Gama” because of how strong he was and how well he could use his strength. Gama’s training started with him lifting heavy stones and logs to get stronger and improve his skills.

gama pehlwan

Gama was trained by some of the best wrestlers, like Imam Baksh and Ghulam Mohammad, when he was a teenager. They showed him how to use different wrestling moves. With their help, Gama came up with a good way to wrestle that combined strength and speed. Gama was known as one of India’s best wrestlers by the time he was sixteen. He beat people from all over the country to become the undisputed freestyle wrestling champion.

 His winning streak

Gama was undefeated for decades when he finally retired at 61. As a professional wrestler, Gama pioneered some techniques that are still used today. He popularized several grappling techniques, including the guillotine choke and the arms lock, which are still practiced today.

Gama is still revered as one of the sport’s all-time greats, and his legacy has spawned countless up-and-coming freestyle grapplers. Despite Gama’s untimely passing in 1960, his name continues to be commemorated through numerous annual events and competitions in India. His legacy in Indian wrestling is one that endures even to this day.

His complete Wrestling Career

People often say that Pehlwan was the best Indian wrestler ever. In the late 1800s, when he began wrestling, he became well-known. He was a tough opponent because he was strong and quick. Because of this, he soon got the reputation of being impossible to beat. Gama’s wrestling career is legendary because he won every match he ever took part in. He beat some of the best wrestlers of his time, like the Great Gama of Pakistan, who was his biggest opponent.

Gama Pehlwan was also known for coming up with new ways to wrestle. He took parts of Indian kushti and other martial arts and put them together to make his style. He was known for his power moves and quick takedowns, which often caught his opponents by surprise and left them helpless. Even the wrestling move called “bear hugs,” which he made popular is still used today.

His Determination and work.

Gama dedicated his life to perfecting his profession. During his preparation for fights, he would frequently go days without eating or sleeping. He did not increase his performance in any way by taking any dietary supplement or anabolic steroid; rather, he relied exclusively on his physical conditioning and the strength of his will. 

His capacity for concentration and commitment enabled him to do great things throughout the course of his career, establishing him as the creator of one of the most famous game plans in history.

His hard work and training.

Gama was known for his hard training, which made him the best wrestler of all time. His day started at 4 a.m. with a prayer, and then he worked out by climbing ropes, running, and lifting weights.

gama pehlwan

He then did kushti, a style of wrestling he had been practicing for years. Gama would fight with other wrestlers in the sandpit to see how good he was. As part of his hard training, he carried heavy loads of sand, rolled around in a hot sandpit, and ran up to 20 miles.

Different training styles as compared to others

Gama Pehlwan was different from other wrestlers because he worked hard at training. This is one of the things that made him so successful.

Gama thought that he had to be strong and have a lot of stamina to do well in the ring. He said, “A man can’t win without proper preparation,” which he thought was a big reason for his success.

Gama also said, “You can’t win if your mind isn’t strong,” which he said was a big part of his success. Gama’s rigorous training not only made him physically strong but also made him mentally ready to face any challenge.

It’s easy to see why people called him “the Great.” Even now, people worldwide who want to be wrestlers look up to Pehlwan’s amazing achievements and try to follow the same rules of dedication and hard work.

Undefeated steak Record

As he never lost a match in his career, Gama has become one of the most legendary wrestlers of all time. Gama Pehlwan was unbeatable during his entire career. This astounding feat becomes even more impressive when you realize that Gama has been battling for almost 25 years against some of India’s and the world’s fiercest rivals.

Gama remained unbeaten thanks to his incredible athleticism, quickness, and tenacity. Those that aspire to be as successful in wrestling as he is should take inspiration from his tremendous record.

The great Gama’s wrestling style

For decades, Indian wrestlers have looked up to Gama Pehlwan for inspiration, thanks to his distinctive technique. His actions were powerful and explosive but also fluid and swift. The “Takara” throw was Gama’s special move. He used this technique to knock down his foes and pin them to the ground. Besides punches and kicks, he also employed a wide range of locks, chokes, and throws. Gama had a reputation as a powerful and hardy warrior. Some of the best wrestlers in the world were no match for him.

His mental calmness and stability 

He was also known for having a strong mind and keeping cool in tough situations. Gama is known for being honest and humble, which, along with his physical skills, has earned him a lot of respect among wrestling fans. Pehlwan is still a well-known name in the world of Indian wrestling.

He is an idol.

Every aspiring young wrestler looks up to him as an example of strength and willpower. Gama never shied away from any opponent, no matter how large or tiny, despite winning more than 500 battles in his career.

Gama Pehlwan was legendary in the sport of wrestling for his indomitable will to win. Several gurudwaras and temples have been dedicated to Gama because he continues to serve as a source of inspiration for sportspeople of all kinds.

The name Pehlwan is commemorated with numerous sculptures in India and elsewhere. These sculptures commemorate his reputation as one of India’s greatest athletes. We may rest assured that Gama’s legacy will live on in the hearts of many.

Notable Achievements

Gama Pehlwan was known for doing amazing things in wrestling and had a long list of impressive accomplishments. He may have won more than 2000 fights and was World Heavyweight Champion for an amazing 28 years.

gama pehlwan

He also beat more than 500 wrestlers throughout his career. In 1910, he became the first Indian wrestler to win the World Wrestling Championship. This is remembered every year in India on Gama Day.

The title of Rustam-e-Hind

Gama Pehlwan was also called Rustam-e-Hind (Champion of India) for almost 40 years. The President of India gave him the prestigious Bharat Kesari Award in 1973. He was inducted into the Wrestling Hall of Fame in 1984, and wrestling fans in India still respect what he did for the sport.

Gama’s most famous matches and rivalries 

Gama Pehlwan’s match with the British wrestler Douglas Damier in 1923 was one of his most well-known and memorable bouts. Gama beat Damier in that match, which more than 25,000 people watched. After that match, Gama became famous all over India, and millions of people looked up to him.

Ali Bux was another important opponent in Pehlwan’s career. The fight continued for more than two hours and showed how strong and tough both wrestlers were. After almost two and a half hours, Gama finally won the game. This match proved that he was one of the best wrestlers ever.

 Rustam-e-Zaman VS Gama 

In 1934, the great Iranian wrestler Rustam-e-Zaman issued a challenge to Gama. Gama accepted the challenge. Because to the fact that the greatest wrestlers of their day were about to compete against each other, this match was widely anticipated. Rustam-e-Zaman was defeated by Gama in just twenty-eight minutes, even though Gama was older and not as strong as his Iranian rival.

Kallu Pahalwan VS Gama 

Also in 1939, Gama competed in a well-known contest against a wrestler by the name of Kallu Pahalwan, which is regarded as one of the most challenging bouts of Gama’s entire career. Both competitors showed off incredible amounts of strength and technique throughout their bout, which lasted for nearly three hours. Gama came victorious despite being significantly older than his opponents and demonstrated once again why he was considered the best wrestler in the world at that time.

Theodor Lutterodt VS Gama 

Gama’s last big fight was against the German wrestler Theodor Lutterodt in 1948. Gama was already in his sixties but beat the younger wrestler easily. This match made Gama’s reputation as one of the best wrestlers even stronger.

These are some of Gama’s most well-known fights, which will always be remembered in the history of Indian wrestling. Gama showed how skilled, strong, and tough he was in these fights, and they will always be remembered for that.

His Political Activism and Advocacy

Gama was a passionate supporter of a variety of political and social causes. Wrestling was an area in which he took a particular interest, and he was recognized for his outspokenness against prejudice. 

It was well known that he was a stalwart supporter of the liberation movement due to the fact that he was an active campaigner fighting against the British Raj. Gama was an outspoken critic of the caste system in the country and actively worked to bring attention to issues of social inequality.

He uses his popularity in politics.

Gama Pehlwan used the fact that he was a professional wrestler to get people interested in the freedom struggle. He spoke in public at political rallies and set up wrestling matches where everyone, no matter their caste or religion, was treated the same. Gama also set up wrestling camps to train young wrestlers. He often gave poor children free training at these camps.

gama pehlwan

In his later years, Pehlwan spoke out for many different causes. He used his power to encourage both sides to talk to each other in a peaceful way, and he kept speaking out against exploiting people from different backgrounds. His commitment to justice and equality made him an important figure in India’s history, and millions of people still find inspiration in what he did.

 The great Gama’s legacy

Legendary Indian wrestler Gama was among the sport’s all-time greats. His unbeaten record is legendary, but his incredible fortitude and courage are also recognized. Many people looked up to him as a hero and called him “The Great Gama” for his bravery and Determination. Gama is still revered as a cultural hero in India, and his legacy lives on through the generations of Indian wrestlers he has inspired.

The hundreds of wrestlers he trained and the remarkable strength feats he performed during his career are a testament to Pehlwan’s legacy. Literally, hundreds of books, movies, and other works have been produced in his honor. Many films have been made about him, giving viewers an inside peek at the life of this legendary athlete. Gama left behind a legacy of perseverance, bravery, and dedication. For as long as there are followers who take motivation from him, Gama Pehlwan will never be forgotten.


What do you think about the era of Gama Pehlwan?

The Great Gama was born in Amritsar, Punjab, India, on May 22, 1878. He started wrestling in the early 1900s, and the 1910s and 1920s were the best times of his career. He stopped wrestling for good in 1952 and died on May 23, 1963. So, The Great Gama takes place between the early 1900s and the 1950s.

Was the great gama a good politician?

The Great Gama was best known for his wrestling career. His political life could have been more important. But he did use his fame and power to support causes he cared about, like Indian independence and getting rid of poverty.

During the movement for Indian independence, The Great Gama was a vocal supporter of the Indian National Congress and helped the party raise money. He also backed the Khilafat movement, which wanted to keep the Ottoman caliphate, and participated in several peaceful protests.

The Great Gama was known for his political work and the good things he did for others. He gave a big chunk of his money to charity and worked in his community to improve education and health care.

Overall, The Great Gama did not have a formal political career, but he did use his platform and resources to help the causes he believed in and make his community a better place.

Tell me something about the student of great gama

During his time as a wrestler, The Great Gama taught many people how to do it. Many of his students became successful wrestlers in their own right. Among his most well-known students are:

  • Imam Bakhsh Pahalwan: Imam Bakhsh Pahalwan, the “Lion of Punjab,” was one of Gama’s most famous students. He became a renowned wrestler and coach and mentored many notable wrestlers.
  • Bholu Pahalwan:  Bholu Pahalwan, born Gurbachan Singh, was another prominent Gama student. He wrestled for many years, earning many titles.
  • Kikkar Singh: The Great Gama trained Punjabi wrestler Kikkar Singh. His tremendous physique and technique made him a successful wrestler.
  • Tara Singh: The Great Gama coached Punjabi wrestler and politician Tara Singh. He wrestled and became an Indian parliamentarian.

What was the reason for gama’s death?

There are different stories about how The Great Gama died, so no one knows for sure what killed him. But it is thought that he died because a lung infection made him sick and made it hard for him to breathe.

One story says that The Great Gama had been sick for a few weeks with a cold that turned into a more serious respiratory infection. Even though he was getting medical care, his condition kept getting worse. He died on May 23, 1963, in Lahore, Pakistan.

gama pehlwan

The Great Gama may have died of a heart attack, according to another story, but this has not been proven. No matter how he died, The Great Gama is remembered as one of the best wrestlers of all time, and his legacy still inspires wrestlers and fans all over the world.


Since the late 1800s, when he first started wrestling, Gama Pehlwan has been a legendary figure in Indian wrestling. He has become one of the best wrestlers of all time and has the respect of the whole country.

His record of never losing shows how good he was and how hard he worked, and his legacy lives on today. Gama Pehlwan has left a lasting mark on India and the rest of the world, from the way he taught to the way he fought for justice in politics. He is a symbol of strength, Determination, and toughness, and he will continue to be an inspiration for many years to come.

Also, read about Lorraine Braccio,  an american actress.

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